
Techsmith snagit 11.3
Techsmith snagit 11.3

techsmith snagit 11.3

and 168: Snagit Snagit 11.3 Help File Format.and 166: Snagit Snagit 11.3 Help Option File.and 164: Snagit Snagit 11.3 Help Backup Snag.and 162: Snagit Snagit 11.3 Help Advanced Se.and 160: Snagit Snagit 11.3 Help Object Tab.and 158: Snagit Snagit 11.3 Help Option Incl.and 156: Snagit Snagit 11.3 Help Capture Typ.and 154: Snagit Snagit 11.3 Help Option star.and 152: Snagit Snagit 11.3 Help Snagit Tech.and 150: Snagit Snagit 11.3 Help Snagit uplo.and 148: Snagit Snagit 11.3 Help Microsoft E.and 146: Snagit Snagit 11.3 Help Option Desc.

techsmith snagit 11.3

  • and 144: Snagit Snagit 11.3 Help Default Out.
  • and 142: Snagit Snagit 11.3 Help To remove t.
  • and 140: Snagit Snagit 11.3 Help Any hotspot.
  • and 138: Snagit Snagit 11.3 Help Any hotspot.
  • and 136: Snagit Snagit 11.3 Help Print a Con.
  • and 134: Snagit Snagit 11.3 Help Find Captur.
  • and 132: Snagit Snagit 11.3 Help Enter keywo.
  • and 130: Snagit Snagit 11.3 Help Snagit save.
  • and 122: Snagit Snagit 11.3 Help Change the.
  • and 118: Snagit Snagit 11.3 Help To use this.
  • and 112: Snagit Snagit 11.3 Help To use this.
  • and 110: Snagit Snagit 11.3 Help To use this.
  • and 108: Snagit Snagit 11.3 Help Set the Opa.
  • and 104: Snagit Snagit 11.3 Help To use this.
  • and 102: Snagit Snagit 11.3 Help For Outline.
  • and 100: Snagit Snagit 11.3 Help To add a sh.
  • and 98: Snagit Snagit 11.3 Help To use this.
  • and 96: Snagit Snagit 11.3 Help A Few Basic.
  • and 92: Snagit Snagit 11.3 Help File Format.
  • and 90: Snagit Snagit 11.3 Help To understa.
  • and 88: Snagit Snagit 11.3 Help This means.
  • and 86: Snagit Snagit 11.3 Help Shrink to F.
  • and 84: Snagit Snagit 11.3 Help Snagit make.
  • and 82: Snagit Snagit 11.3 Help Delete all.
  • and 80: Snagit Snagit 11.3 Help Vector Obje.
  • and 78: Snagit Snagit 11.3 Help Bring to Fr.
  • and 76: Snagit Snagit 11.3 Help Common Edit.
  • The mini toolbar is available for the following tools: Callout Callout Text Arrow Pen Highlighter Text - 116. The mini toolbar appears when you select or right-click on a vector object. Mini Toolbar The mini toolbar provides quick access to draw tool options while editing a vector object on the canvas. Select Styles group > Effects > Antialias. Click a text box on the canvas to give it focus. The antialiasing option is turned to “on” for all of Editor’s vector-based tools. Without antialiasing being applied, object edges appear jagged. Antialiasing for Smooth Lines Antialiasing is a technique used to make lines appear smooth. The text style is now available in the Quick Styles Gallery. From the popup menu, click Add to Quick Styles.

    techsmith snagit 11.3

    Add Custom Text to the Quick Styles Gallery The Quick Styles Gallery is used to save custom text styles so they can be reused. Use the options in the Drop Shadow dialog box to create a custom shadow. To add a custom shadow, select Styles group > Effects > Shadow > More Shadows. To remove a shadow, select Styles group > Effects > Shadow > No Shadow icon. To add a shadow, select Styles group > Effects > Shadow > Select the shadow effect using the icons. Add, Remove, or Customize the Text Shadow Click a text box on the canvas to give it focus. Select Styles group > Effects > Opacity > Select the opacity level or click Custom to enter a specific percentage. Set the Text Opacity Level Opacity is the ability to see through the text. Use the green handle on top of a text box to rotate the text box. Use the white handles to change the height and width of the text box. Move or Resize a Text Box To move a text box, click down on the center of the box and drag to a new location. Select the vector object and highlight text, or right-click, to access the Mini toolbar for font options. Click and drag the mouse on the canvas to create text box. Select a color from the Standard or Custom tab. Select Styles group > Fill option > More Fill Colors > Colors dialog box. Select Draw tab > Drawing Tools group > Text tool. Release the CTRL key after color selection. Hold the CTRL key and use the eyedropper to select a color from the canvas. Drag the mouse on the canvas to create text box. Select Styles group > Outline > Select color from image. Click and drag the mouse on the canvas to create a text box. Snagit Snagit 11.3 Help Select the Text Color from Colors on the Canvas -or- 1.

    Techsmith snagit 11.3