Instead of getting me some specialized help to overcome this problem, my parents accused me of a variety of negative things, of being lazy, of "not paying attention in class", of "not trying hard enough", of "day dreaming", etc. I believe that is why for some Aspies they are drawn to, and excel at, other types of non verbal communication - it's about the desire to connect and belong, and compensating for a lack of verbal skills.Īlthough I did well enough in other areas of study in school, I did rather poorly in English, especially with spelling. Not only do Aspies have difficulty communicating their own thoughts, ideas and interests with others verbally, they have a difficult time understanding what other people are trying to say back to them - especially in a social context. One of the biggest problems for people with Aspergers involves communication. To do this successfully, humans must be able to communicate with each other. It was then easy for my parents to believe that the problems I was having were of my own selfish creation.Įvery human being has an innate desire to belong, to be a part of and participate with other human beings in all the activities that make up life. As a child I was suffering from an unknown condition, so, as is often the case, my parents were led to believe that I didn't have a condition. It was first discovered in 1944, but didn't become a part of mainstream psychiatry until the 80s and 90s - long after I had left home and eventually became homeless. It is also important to understand how relatively new the diagnosis of Aperger's Syndrome is. What is important for the telling of this story is the environment I was living in as I grew up at home, and how my family reacted when I displayed symptoms of Asperger's. I only know that they moved to Arizona to be near my brother. Some time a ago my parents moved and did not give me their new address or phone number. I no longer talk with my family, except for brief chats with my nephew. But that's perhaps the crux of the problem of our own family dysfunctionality. I have no doubt that my own family shits a collective brick every time I write about them. To understand Adam Lanza, you really must understand how Asperger's Syndrome affects people (again, it must be said that Asperger's doesn't make people violent) And to understand the motivation for his shooting spree, you must understand the environment Adam was living in, you must understand the psychology and dynamics of his family, especially that of his mother. I will write, but I can't guarantee how much effort I'll put into it. The depression has subsided, but so has some of the desire to write this. Several days have passed now and I'm feeling better about it. I wanted to write about it when it happened, but it was too difficult. Add to that the current sadness we all have been feeling over the Sand Hook incident, and I was feeling overwhelmed. Pretty much any time I relive events of my past, I also relive the emotional pain and turmoil from then too. I can't tell you the depth of despair and depression I experienced since last Friday, and the Sandy Hook incident. Once you find these people, just hand them a blanket, don't ask them if they want one, it doesn't matter, they need one, or two.Īnd, if you have the chance, pick up some dollar burgers at McDonalds and give them out too, some coffee as well, if you dare to care that much. You will find homeless people in metro areas and in suburban areas too, like shopping centers and malls, behind Walmarts and Targets and such. Check out the bus stops and near liquor stores and parks and wherever there are benches for the public.

Seriously, there's not much time! As soon as you are ready, go pick up your friends, with your several blankets, and drive around town looking for homeless people. Next, call a couple of your friends and tell them to do the same.

Go to your linen closet and pull out all of the old blankets you don't use anymore. It's 37 degrees outside with a strong breeze.

Got on my bike to ride the two miles home. I've been inside all day so didn't notice until just a few minutes ago.